Big Sandy Crash Barrels

The TrafFix Devices "Big Sandy" is a temporary sand barrel style crash cushion that is easy to move and provides external verification of the barrels correct weight of sand. This Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Sand Barrel has been tested and certified to meet the crash worthy requirements of NCHRP 350 TL-3 as  Non-Redirective System. "Big Sandy" Sand Barrels go above and beyond these requirement to provide the best in highway safety.


  • Different barrel configurations are used to create all of the weights used in current standard array geometries (200, 400, 700, 1400, and 2100 lbs)
  • External sand weight verification is easy - use the right barrel configuration barrel to obtain the correct weight
  • Each "Big Sandy" Barrel is a made from a single piece of Polyethylene Plastic to eliminate sand leakages - No Edge Seals
  • No cone inserts for easy shipping, storing, and installation


The TrafFix Devices “Big Sandy” is an Impact Attenuator Sand Barrel that is easy to move and provides external verification of the barrels correct weight of sand. This Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion Sand Barrel has been tested and certified to meet the crash worthy requirements of NCHRP 350. “Big Sandy” Sand Barrels go above and beyond these requirement to provide the best in highway safety.


Systems, Parts

Inertial Barrel 247 (200, 400, 700 lb), Inertial Barrel 14 (1400 lb), Inertial Barrel 21 (2100 lb), Inertial Barrel Base 247